Friday, April 7, 2017
Harper Grace
I love how that wild patch of hair in the center of the back of your head. I love how you say, “mama, where are you?” when I walk out of the room. I love how you hug my neck and say, “I missed you, mama, all day!” even if I’ve been with you all day. I love the look on your face when you see someone you love. I love your freckle and how you say, “bye-bye freckle!” when I put socks on you at night. I love how when we get to the end of a book, you’ll say, “the eeeeend… again!” I love how you know when adults are praying and you bow your little head and fold your little hands. You never close your eyes, though. I love how you run full speed through the house and jump on the love seat. I love how you thank God for "strawberries in the refrigerator." I love how excited you get when I get to your classroom to pick you up in the afternoons. I love how you always steal my sweet tea. I love how you love pickles and “pinkles”. I love that you know when I’m upset. I love how you hold Baby in the crook of your left arm. I love how you say “milk”. I love how attentive and inquisitive you are. I love brushing your curls. I love the warm honey color of your hair. I love the little gap between your front teeth. I love how you run everywhere you go. I love you most in bubbles in the spring and summer. I love the backwards J-shaped vein in your hand. I love your half-in, half-out button. I love hearing your little feet walk across the hard floors in our home. I love watching you play so well by yourself. I love how you skip. I love that you love your kitties and want so bad for them to come near you. I love watching you shiver when you see a lady bug. I love hearing you say, “I yate yady bugs!” I love how you aren’t scared of anything. I love your grin. I love that you love the outside. I love how you still look like such a baby when you sleep. I love how you remember everything. I love how you sing all the time. I love how everyone loves you and you make friends wherever you go. I love your eyes and how they are every shade of blue. I love how you tell your daddy and I “bye” and “I love you” and blow kisses when we put you in bed at night. I love how you know what a Bible looks like. I love how you say, “oh, thank you!” I love how you play with your little pinky and wrap everything around it. I love how you want to do my makeup for me. And when I let you (on Saturdays, with no where to go) you say, "so pretty." I love that God trusted me with you. I love that you're my real-life baby doll, that sometimes has a sassy attitude. You're my sweet Harper, and I still can't believe that you're mine.

Thursday, April 6, 2017
Wow. My life has changed in so many ways since I last logged into this blog. It was a little comical for me looking back at the things I used to write about on here... not that there is anything wrong with those things, but I feel like I'm a totally different person now than I was then. I guess that is the goal, right? I mean, just look at the pictures I have on the right side of the page. Sooo many things have changed!
Since my last blog post in December of 2012, we've added another member to the family (She is TWO now), I have gotten a really good job and quit it to stay home with said baby, we've become members of a new wonderful church, bought a house and moved back to Troy...so many significant, great things.
While I haven't been so great at keeping this blog up (ahem. 5 years), I really would like to try harder to update it regularly. Simply because, mommy brain is real and I want to be able to look back at this time in our lives. So. We will see.
But for now, here is my beautiful daughter, Harper.
Since my last blog post in December of 2012, we've added another member to the family (She is TWO now), I have gotten a really good job and quit it to stay home with said baby, we've become members of a new wonderful church, bought a house and moved back to Troy...so many significant, great things.
While I haven't been so great at keeping this blog up (ahem. 5 years), I really would like to try harder to update it regularly. Simply because, mommy brain is real and I want to be able to look back at this time in our lives. So. We will see.
But for now, here is my beautiful daughter, Harper.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012
a few of my favorite things...
I am not dead. I promise. I have just taken a little unintentional break from blogging. I don't really have an excuse either... but to play catch up a little, here are some things I have been loving lately.
Christmas is officially one week away. I know everyone says "I can't believe it's Christmas already, blah blah blah" but seriously...can you believe it's almost here? I feel like it always takes FOR.EV.ER to get here and then, suddenly, it's here. One of my favorite things about Christmas is giving things to people I love and one of my favorite gifts this year was to my favorite "little" brother.
This is Jack. He's a beagle and he stole everyone's heart in 2.7 seconds. It was VERY hard to give him up.
Of course, any and all Christmas-y drinks at Starbucks:
This Christmas candle from Bath and Body Works:
One non-Christmas related item that I have been in love with for a while is a lipstick from Too Faced. They are called La Creme and they are la mazing...too much? Anyway, check them out. They remind me of the ever popular Revlon Lip Butters, but they are better in my opinion. They are pretty pricy, but you actually get a lot more actual product than the revlon ones. I have six shades..... help. (I have Spice Spice Baby, In the Buff, Honey Bear, Sweet Maple, Naked Dolly, and Cinnamon Kiss.)
Another makeup related item I've been loving all fall and into "winter" (not winter to me unless it stays below 70 degrees) is this blush from MAC. It's called "Plum Foolery" and (from experience) it only takes a little bit.
I was just introduced to this stuff by a friend. It's Caren Original's Hand Treatment. I don't know how easy it is to find this brand, but I've seen it in several boutiques around. I'm not big on lotions and such in general (I just don't think about using them unless they are right in front of my face), but this is the best hand cream. The scents aren't to die for, but they're subtle, so it doesn't bother me.
Christmas is officially one week away. I know everyone says "I can't believe it's Christmas already, blah blah blah" but seriously...can you believe it's almost here? I feel like it always takes FOR.EV.ER to get here and then, suddenly, it's here. One of my favorite things about Christmas is giving things to people I love and one of my favorite gifts this year was to my favorite "little" brother.
This is Jack. He's a beagle and he stole everyone's heart in 2.7 seconds. It was VERY hard to give him up.
Of course, any and all Christmas-y drinks at Starbucks:
This Christmas candle from Bath and Body Works:
One non-Christmas related item that I have been in love with for a while is a lipstick from Too Faced. They are called La Creme and they are la mazing...too much? Anyway, check them out. They remind me of the ever popular Revlon Lip Butters, but they are better in my opinion. They are pretty pricy, but you actually get a lot more actual product than the revlon ones. I have six shades..... help. (I have Spice Spice Baby, In the Buff, Honey Bear, Sweet Maple, Naked Dolly, and Cinnamon Kiss.)
Another makeup related item I've been loving all fall and into "winter" (not winter to me unless it stays below 70 degrees) is this blush from MAC. It's called "Plum Foolery" and (from experience) it only takes a little bit.
I was just introduced to this stuff by a friend. It's Caren Original's Hand Treatment. I don't know how easy it is to find this brand, but I've seen it in several boutiques around. I'm not big on lotions and such in general (I just don't think about using them unless they are right in front of my face), but this is the best hand cream. The scents aren't to die for, but they're subtle, so it doesn't bother me.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
I've been crazy in love with this show for a few months now, but I just bought the first and second seasons on dvd a few weeks ago. The obsession is back. It is a show about an aristocratic, British family (and the servants who work in their home, Downton Abbey) and how their lives are changed after the sinking of the Titanic.
I can't even explain why this show is so good, but it REALLY is. Go get it. The third season aired (in England booooo) last month, and will be in America in January. You can pre-order the 3rd season here on Amazon. Check it out!!
I can't even explain why this show is so good, but it REALLY is. Go get it. The third season aired (in England booooo) last month, and will be in America in January. You can pre-order the 3rd season here on Amazon. Check it out!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
never forget
This is a day that will always make me feel a little hollow. It is so very sad to think that there are people in this world who grow up hating the United States and everything the citizens here stand for. I was in seventh grade on September 11, 2001. Even though I didn't know anyone who passed away in the events, its shock waves reached the entire country. I'll never forget that day, even though I was too young to begin have a clue how important everything was. I watched the 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower live from my classroom at Pike Liberal Arts . It is one of those moments I can still picture in my mind. It's engrained there. But that day is not what I like to think about...it is those days following. Even though I was so young I will never forget the way our mighty country stood up and squared its shoulders to face what was the greatest act of terrorism on our soil. As the towers fell, America stood up. And got mad. There were no Republicans or Democrats...we were just all Americans. It was incredible to see. It breaks my heart to think some have forgotten the helpless feelings of that day and those who fought and still fight to make sure we never feel that way again. I thank God that President Bush made it clear who we needed to turn to as a country...God Himself. I will never forget.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
I have just realized that I have not posted in almost two months...oops. I wish I could say I have a good and interesting excuse, but I don't. :) My apology is most sincere. Here is something for YOUUUU
Thursday, June 28, 2012
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Harper Grace
I love how that wild patch of hair in the center of the back of your head. I love how you say, “mama, where are you?” when I walk out of th...

I have recently fallen in love with something. It's called the Beauty Blender. It's only a sponge for applying makeup, but I love ...
I am not dead. I promise. I have just taken a little unintentional break from blogging. I don't really have an excuse either... but to p...
since I haven't posted in a while, I thought I would post another "favorite products" post. I always love reading these when ...