Thursday, December 8, 2011
oh yeah..
I totally forgot...big news. My team is going to the national championship in January. ROLL TIDE. the stars absolutely aligned. last year was way too hard watching auburn win everything. i'm elated. nervous. and even more hating LSU.
I have to get better about this blog thing! It has been a while since I have posted, so I'll do a little catching up... I saw this on Pinterest and I haaassss to share. I'm always burning candles in my house. I love the smell of them, but it (literally) is such a waste of money. I mean, you're burning money. I sound like Justin!!! So, I took a pot of water and added this: some orange peels (about three to five oranges) cloves stuck in the fleshy part of the peels and about a tbsp of cinnamon. Bring this to a simmer on low. (I sat mine on the back burner and let it go forever) It makes your house smell sooo good. Just like Christmas. I did see another "recipe" for this that included apples too, so I'll have to try that.
I have my first final tomorrow night. I can't believe this semester is almost over! It has definitely been a hard one...especially the last 2 weeks. I had 3 big research papers due and I really didn't think I was going to make it! With all-nighters, an un-Godly amount of coffee, and the support of my husband I finally handed in my last one yesterday. Today was dead day, and I decided to spend it doing whatever I wanted unstead of studying. I needed a I cleaned my house. Let's be honest: with me so focused on papers for a while, our laundry was a little out of control.
Saturday night, Justin and I went with Joquin's youth group to Calloway Gardens in Pine Mountain to see Christmas lights. I was so excited, because I haven't been since I was in the 5th grade (on a field trip no less). I was also excited because it was actually cold enough to feel like Christmas. I am !SICK! of Alabama weather! It is so crazy! a few days ago it was in the 80's (in DEC!) and tonight it's probably in the 40's... I have no idea. I'm a really bad judge of temperature. Here in south Alabama, if it's noticably cool, it's something. I almost froze to death today.
Everything is getting into the Christmas swing now though... I put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving. I couldn't wait any longer. (It was finally out of the 90 degree mark so it felt more right to start with the I'm so excited to be done with school, worry-free, and spending time with family for a little while. It will be a much needed break! I am so sorry if you sat here and read that. Total ramble, nothing important.
I have my first final tomorrow night. I can't believe this semester is almost over! It has definitely been a hard one...especially the last 2 weeks. I had 3 big research papers due and I really didn't think I was going to make it! With all-nighters, an un-Godly amount of coffee, and the support of my husband I finally handed in my last one yesterday. Today was dead day, and I decided to spend it doing whatever I wanted unstead of studying. I needed a I cleaned my house. Let's be honest: with me so focused on papers for a while, our laundry was a little out of control.
Saturday night, Justin and I went with Joquin's youth group to Calloway Gardens in Pine Mountain to see Christmas lights. I was so excited, because I haven't been since I was in the 5th grade (on a field trip no less). I was also excited because it was actually cold enough to feel like Christmas. I am !SICK! of Alabama weather! It is so crazy! a few days ago it was in the 80's (in DEC!) and tonight it's probably in the 40's... I have no idea. I'm a really bad judge of temperature. Here in south Alabama, if it's noticably cool, it's something. I almost froze to death today.
Everything is getting into the Christmas swing now though... I put up our tree the day after Thanksgiving. I couldn't wait any longer. (It was finally out of the 90 degree mark so it felt more right to start with the I'm so excited to be done with school, worry-free, and spending time with family for a little while. It will be a much needed break! I am so sorry if you sat here and read that. Total ramble, nothing important.
Monday, October 10, 2011
study break
right now i'm taking a break from my online class. i'm a little distracted and i realized i hadn't written in a while. and i thought i'd get better at this blogging thing! not a whole lot has been going on.. justin is getting ready for hunting season.. he's getting the itch. and me, i'm just spending every waking minute (it seems) doing homework. i have an overwhelming amount to read this semester... ahh the joys of being an english major! i'm finishing up one novel for this week soon and starting another a.s.a.p. i need to start that 4 days ago. too much! anyway, i'm blessed that i'm able to go to school. and one as fine as troy. (sarcasm...that is for another, much more lengthy post) i'm finished. back to homework!
Thursday, September 15, 2011
my daddy
i wrote this back in august, but never posted it, so i'll edit it a little and do that now.
this past august 6th was my daddy's 50th birthday. it was a really special time for my family. if there were one person who i would think would be the rock in our family it would be my daddy. he is someone everyone feels like they can go to. he is the type of person you want to be on your side. he's a great man and i'm so lucky to have him as my daddy. he's taught me so much and i don't think it's a bad thing at all when people joke that i'm so much like him. anyway, we took daddy out to eat in the restaurant of the bass pro shop (i forgot what it's called), and it was really nice. the food was great. (inside joke for my mama - the only one reading this) i don't think i've ever laughed so hard in my life. we had so much fun. i am so blessed to be from a family that can be totally sentimental/serious and turn right around and lighted the mood with laughing and having fun. that's what i think connects people more than anything anyway- laughter.
since we're on the topic of my daddy, i'll post some things about him:
1. he rarely calls us by our names. it's always a nickname with questionable origins. mama's main nickname is blossom (and lately dr. blossom). some of mine are faylene, ashi, ashi-faye, andress etc. kristen's: krika, krickle, annaville (b.k.l.), chrissopher. paul's: tayna and ------ ----. i don't feel comfortable posting that one. lol justin's already picked up some of his own too. he's justache.
2. he baby talks to all our animals. yes he does.
3. he can take any word in the English language and mutilate it with word play.
4. he's an only child who doesn't act like one.
5. he doesn't mind being alone or quiet. i got that from him.
6. he can rig anything to where it was working better before.
7. after 22 years, i still have times when i wonder whether he's joking or not.
8. he's a Christian who never would have had to tell me about Jesus or morals, because he lives them. just watching him is the best example.
9. he knows me better than anyone else.
10. i love how he loves mama and us. it's evident in how hard he works and the sacrifices he's made.

i love you, daddy!!
this past august 6th was my daddy's 50th birthday. it was a really special time for my family. if there were one person who i would think would be the rock in our family it would be my daddy. he is someone everyone feels like they can go to. he is the type of person you want to be on your side. he's a great man and i'm so lucky to have him as my daddy. he's taught me so much and i don't think it's a bad thing at all when people joke that i'm so much like him. anyway, we took daddy out to eat in the restaurant of the bass pro shop (i forgot what it's called), and it was really nice. the food was great. (inside joke for my mama - the only one reading this) i don't think i've ever laughed so hard in my life. we had so much fun. i am so blessed to be from a family that can be totally sentimental/serious and turn right around and lighted the mood with laughing and having fun. that's what i think connects people more than anything anyway- laughter.
since we're on the topic of my daddy, i'll post some things about him:
1. he rarely calls us by our names. it's always a nickname with questionable origins. mama's main nickname is blossom (and lately dr. blossom). some of mine are faylene, ashi, ashi-faye, andress etc. kristen's: krika, krickle, annaville (b.k.l.), chrissopher. paul's: tayna and ------ ----. i don't feel comfortable posting that one. lol justin's already picked up some of his own too. he's justache.
2. he baby talks to all our animals. yes he does.
3. he can take any word in the English language and mutilate it with word play.
4. he's an only child who doesn't act like one.
5. he doesn't mind being alone or quiet. i got that from him.
6. he can rig anything to where it was working better before.
7. after 22 years, i still have times when i wonder whether he's joking or not.
8. he's a Christian who never would have had to tell me about Jesus or morals, because he lives them. just watching him is the best example.
9. he knows me better than anyone else.
10. i love how he loves mama and us. it's evident in how hard he works and the sacrifices he's made.
i love you, daddy!!
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
busy, busy
have you ever had so much to do that you can't seem to start (or finish) any of it? yeah...
i am literally about to pull my hair out this semester! i just can't seem to get anywhere close to organized and when i'm not organized i can't do much. between papers, reading loads, and sub-par administration at my wonderful university, i'm going nuts. the good thing is that i can actually see SOMEWHAT of a light at the end of the tunnel. i'm telling you, i'm gonna need some serious prayers, coffee, and possibly nerve and/or adhd medication lol. and think of justin too...he comes home from work to a wife trying desperately (sometimes failing miserably) not to complain every second about school.
on a less whiney note: i recently upgraded to the world of the iPhone. i've never really cared that much about having the latest phone, etc, but for some reason when it came time to upgrade i decided to try it. i. love. it. i am totally hooked. one of my favorite things about it is that i have all my music right on it. i just plug it into my car and WALAH! i'm ready to go. i would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves to procrastinate like meee.
and another way i procrastinate on the weekends now is ...FOOTBALL. it is finally here! if i'm totally honest, it is the main reason fall is my favorite season. and because you can actually walk outside in south alabama and not melt. i love waking up to college gameday on espn. the last two weeks we've missed it though...opening weekend we went to tuscaloosa (rtr) and last weekend we were in auburn. and by the way, peeling is way worse than the sunburn. justin and i got reaaaaally burnt at that auburn game (nail biter). my perfect husband just tanned beautifully the next day. no big deal. i've been hurting for days and now my entire face is peeling off. no big deal.
i am literally about to pull my hair out this semester! i just can't seem to get anywhere close to organized and when i'm not organized i can't do much. between papers, reading loads, and sub-par administration at my wonderful university, i'm going nuts. the good thing is that i can actually see SOMEWHAT of a light at the end of the tunnel. i'm telling you, i'm gonna need some serious prayers, coffee, and possibly nerve and/or adhd medication lol. and think of justin too...he comes home from work to a wife trying desperately (sometimes failing miserably) not to complain every second about school.
on a less whiney note: i recently upgraded to the world of the iPhone. i've never really cared that much about having the latest phone, etc, but for some reason when it came time to upgrade i decided to try it. i. love. it. i am totally hooked. one of my favorite things about it is that i have all my music right on it. i just plug it into my car and WALAH! i'm ready to go. i would definitely recommend it to anyone who loves to procrastinate like meee.
and another way i procrastinate on the weekends now is ...FOOTBALL. it is finally here! if i'm totally honest, it is the main reason fall is my favorite season. and because you can actually walk outside in south alabama and not melt. i love waking up to college gameday on espn. the last two weeks we've missed it though...opening weekend we went to tuscaloosa (rtr) and last weekend we were in auburn. and by the way, peeling is way worse than the sunburn. justin and i got reaaaaally burnt at that auburn game (nail biter). my perfect husband just tanned beautifully the next day. no big deal. i've been hurting for days and now my entire face is peeling off. no big deal.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Well, there has been a lot going on so I really haven't had time to think about updating my blog. I just started back to school 2 weeks ago and we are definitely already in FULL swing! I am excited to say that I am graduating in the spring! My sister is graduating Troy with me. My little brother is graduating high school. AND my mama is graduating from Auburn's Dr program! So, we're all sporting the caps and gowns this spring. We're very excited. More later!
Monday, May 23, 2011
Monday, monday...
Well, today I'm thankful for alarm clocks and pretty, easy dresses that make it look like you put some effort into your appearance (when really, you just threw it on). Happy monday everyone!
Friday, May 20, 2011
Going to the chapel...
Well, the day is almost here. My best friend Emma is getting married tomorrow! I can't believe it... And I am so excited for her! I am so glad I get to be a part of her special day. I know it will bring back memories of mine and Justin's wedding day almost 2 years ago. So, congratulations EMMA and JESSE! I wish you two all the happiness in the world.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Just words...
Needless to say, I have not been on here in forever. Over a year to be exact. I just recently got interested in blogging again and decided I would try it...again. So, here we go...
I just have to say how excited I am that it is almost SPRING! I am not a cold weather person at all and I am glad it's finally starting to look like south Alabama weather again. And sring brings in my favorite holiday: Easter. I love the colors of Easter, the fellowship, the family, and of course, the story. Nothing makes Jesus more real to me than reading through the story of His crucifixion and resurrection and just thinking about it. Looking at it through the perspective that He did it all for me... wow. Easter is on Justins birthday this he gets to be special. :) He will be 27!
I am on Spring Break right now. It's my first (almost) completely free spring break since the 8th grade. I finally get one where there are no softball practices and no set working schedules!! Woohoo! I've really enjoyed it, even though I've done more reading for school this week than I do when I'm IN school. :) So I'll be the only nerd ahead of the class when school starts next week.
On a more serious note, there's been some sad days in Troy this week. On Monday, Brittany Shepard Pugh and her baby boy, Shep, were killed in a car accident. I didn't know either of them, but I know Brittany's husband and Shep's father, Clint. It just breaks my heart to think of what he is going through right now. All we can do is continue praying for Clint and all who were close to Brittany and Shep. Life is so short. - Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4
I just have to say how excited I am that it is almost SPRING! I am not a cold weather person at all and I am glad it's finally starting to look like south Alabama weather again. And sring brings in my favorite holiday: Easter. I love the colors of Easter, the fellowship, the family, and of course, the story. Nothing makes Jesus more real to me than reading through the story of His crucifixion and resurrection and just thinking about it. Looking at it through the perspective that He did it all for me... wow. Easter is on Justins birthday this he gets to be special. :) He will be 27!
I am on Spring Break right now. It's my first (almost) completely free spring break since the 8th grade. I finally get one where there are no softball practices and no set working schedules!! Woohoo! I've really enjoyed it, even though I've done more reading for school this week than I do when I'm IN school. :) So I'll be the only nerd ahead of the class when school starts next week.
On a more serious note, there's been some sad days in Troy this week. On Monday, Brittany Shepard Pugh and her baby boy, Shep, were killed in a car accident. I didn't know either of them, but I know Brittany's husband and Shep's father, Clint. It just breaks my heart to think of what he is going through right now. All we can do is continue praying for Clint and all who were close to Brittany and Shep. Life is so short. - Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4
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Harper Grace
I love how that wild patch of hair in the center of the back of your head. I love how you say, “mama, where are you?” when I walk out of th...

I have recently fallen in love with something. It's called the Beauty Blender. It's only a sponge for applying makeup, but I love ...
I am not dead. I promise. I have just taken a little unintentional break from blogging. I don't really have an excuse either... but to p...
since I haven't posted in a while, I thought I would post another "favorite products" post. I always love reading these when ...