Sunday, May 13, 2012

college grad

well, i haven't posted in a while because i have been so busy with school...but now i am DONE! i am so happy to be finished! (notice in honor of being done with english classes and research papers forever, i am not going to worry about punctuation/spelling/capitalization errors woohoo!) needless to say, the last couple of weeks have been crazy! my mama graduated from auburn and is now a dr. almost a week later my sister, kristen, and i graduated together from troy. and my brother graduates from high school in just a couple of weeks! we have been so blessed for these opportunities! my daddy is elated! it is hard to imagine not being in school ever again, and i've tried to come to grips with it. it's so weird. i'm constantly thinking about things i need to be reading/writing for class and there just isn't anything to do! i don't know what to do with myself! i need a hobby... anyway, here are a few pictures from the fun going on..
dr. penelope messick!

getting her doctoral hood

diplomas...woop woop

me and my boyfraaaand

justin, me, paul, kristen, and chad

i love my sister and brother!

the graduates.

Harper Grace

I love how that wild patch of hair in the center of the back of your head. I love how you say, “mama, where are you?” when I walk out of th...